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Ferdinand Gregorovius (1821–1891) was a distinguished German historian and writer Strolls through Italy, Vol. 4

Strolls through Italy, Vol. 4

Gregorovius continues his exploration of Italy in 'Strolls through Italy Volume 4' (Passeggiate per Italia...

ePub Category History, Italy, Travel Literature, Travel memoirs Ferdinand Gregorovius
Ferdinand Gregorovius was a German historian who is best remembered for his in-depth and engrossing chronicles of Italian history and culture. Strolls through Italy, vol. 5

Strolls through Italy, vol. 5

In "Strolls through Italy, Volume 5", Gregorovius continues his enlightening exploration of Italy's lesser-known regions....

ePub Category History, Italy, Travel Literature, Travel memoirs
The Great War 3 volume box set The Great War Box Set

The Great War Volumes I, II and III

Never before published in the English language, its like discovering a...

Category Biographical, History, War Karl Helfferich
€19.99  €12.99
WW1 The Great War, The Advent to the Great War, image of Prince Ferdinand's blood stained tunic, This is the first English publication of this work The Great War Volume I

The Great War, Volume I

Never before published in the English language, its like discovering a complete new...

ePub Category Biographical, History, War Karl Helfferich Published On 
Book cover, The Great War Volume II, unlimited submarine warfare, Never before published in English The Great War, Volume II

Never before published in the English language, its like discovering a complete new perspective of the First World war, the...

ePub Category Biographical, History, War Karl Helfferich Published On 
The Great War Volume III, from unlimited submarine warfare to the collapse, never before been published in English. The Great War, Volume III

The Great War, Volume III.

Step into the corridors of power and the hidden rooms of diplomacy with Karl Helfferich's

ePub Category Biographical, History, War Karl Helfferich Published On 
The Ivy, a book by, Fredrika Wilhelmina Carstens THE IVY 19th-century Finland

Strolls Through Italy Box SetImmerse yourself in the captivating world of 'THE IVY,' a remarkable historical women's fiction novel...

ePub Category Historical fiction, Historical women's fiction, Romance Fredrika Wilhelmina Carstens Edition 1 Published On 